What we do:
Custom iPhone/iPad App development:
We have over 30 apps in the Apple iOS App store. Based on decades of experience we can satisfy your demands by offering a one stop solution for iOS app development by proving expertise on the artwork, the app, the front end, and backend design. Full Stack Development is not a problem for our team of talented individuals.
Our work portfolio:
Complex apps like
SproutPOS Chip & Pin Point of Sale system for BeanStream/Bambora systems.

Entertainment apps PhotoCrash Blank Space Inc

Social Media Seats2Meet

Open/GL apps WorldPulse

Business Apps LargeViewer

Our iOS Apps:
We maintain a set of our own apps, these provide valuable insight into how to work with Apple and experiences with customers who depend on App development and stability as part of their business and life experiences. This experience & feedback forms a basis for our development process as we’ve been there and done that too.
LargeViewer solves drawing related performance issues for large sheet drawings, blueprints, maps or panoramic photos created by your CAD or mapping system. These provide real world productivity gains for people in the electrical utility industry, or construction & engineering domain. We also provide the ability to view multi-page TIFF/TIF files from simple faxes to other exotic file types like FITS based astronomy images up to hundreds of mega-pixels. Given our expertise in virtual machine experience, and working closely with the mobile device hardware our achievements are more apparent if you consider the size complexity our Well Logs app can deal with as a 14 inch by 75 foot roll of paper, or it’s companion for viewing Aeronautical Charts.
We are an Agile shop and run our own Atlassian Tools Stack of HipChat, Jira, Confluence & Stash/Git. This provides a facility for our clients to give feedback, help in design and track progress of their projects. It ensures your project is delivered on time and on budget.
We have 8 years of experience in building iOS Apps, and can onboard other experts due to our 30 years of work and connections in the IT field. In our dealings with Apple Inc, we have set a number of precedences such as clarifying virtual machine (VM) usage and interpreters on iOS via Scratch.app Along with creating the first WikiServer on IOS, and the first Smalltalk based fractions calculator. Out of this we have developed a good working relationship with the Apple Store App approval team.
We have 20 years of experience in Smalltalk, as we are the maintainers of the Squeak Macintosh VM, creators of the Macintosh Cocoa VM for both OS-X & IOS.
Smalltalk VM tuning:
We have consulted on a weekly or yearly basis to the world’s largest private system (JP Morgan Kapital) or German or Canadian Smalltalk government owned systems like Die Bahn and the Export Bank of Canada, by providing expertise in VisualWorks memory management, and performance tuning.
John M McIntosh johnmci at smalltalkconsulting com
LinkedIn data on request.